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After serving a large local Durham NC church for 12-1/2 years as Care Pastor, our founder, Leah Rade, bothered that people unconnected with local churches were unable to access Christ-centered support, left the comfort of the local church and launched Ignite C3 Ministries in 2016.


Also, recognizing that the average church is under-resourced in pastoral care and support, Ignite C3 was created to support local church pastors in equipping their congregation by providing Christ-centered care in times of crisis or need. Leah is a certified Prepare/Enrich trainer, is a certified SYMBIS counselor, is a Certified Behavioral Life Coach, and in 2018 completed a 2-1/2 year journey in fulfilling her dream to become a Certified Professional Life Coach through Professional Christian Coaching Institute. She is also a licensed minister of the Gospel and has served as pastor of Restoration Church since August, 2021.


Recognizing that we currently are in a mental health crisis, Leah is enrolled in a program through the American Association of Christian Counselors to get her certification as a Professional Mental Health Coach.


Prior to answering the call into full-time ministry, Leah served as Program Director for the Museum of Life and Science. She brings nine years of summer camp experience, and a heart for kids to Restoration Care and Recovery Center!


Leah is privileged to lead a highly trained team of support group leaders!



2024 brought about many positive changes to Ignite C3 Ministries. As we stated, we launched Ignite C3 in 2016 to bring Christ-centered support to people who were navigating transitions, recovery, grief, divorce, and crisis.


And, because of you, hundreds of people have found freedom from addictions, relief from hurts, comfort for grief, and restoration for marriages; along with ongoing food support for food-insecure neighbors.  


Along with their recovery and healing, the greatest discovery for many, was in the Healer himself! Many discovered or rediscovered, the need for an ongoing relationship with Jesus Christ. Ignite C3 served as the emergency room, but many were missing the ongoing support of the hospital.


In August of 2021, a small group of people who had been gathering regularly, brought together through Ignite C3, became Restoration Church, where they have grown in their relationship with Christ and each other. Many of those, who came for care, are now serving others who are finding their first refuge from their pain.


We are now combining the strength of the emergency room with the strength of Jesus’ creation of the church to help serve even more people. God has provided! We recently moved into a new, larger space where just last week, we had a record number in Celebrate Recovery and Celebration Place.


Because of you, since the beginning of the pandemic (March 2020), we have provided over $153,000.00 in food assistance, clothing, coats, backpacks, school supplies and other basic necessities. Our new facility allows even more outreach opportunities.


Thank you for your support as we continue to meet people where they are, helping them navigate through crisis, pointing them to Jesus, and helping them continue their growth through Restoration.


We are excitedly planning an Open House for February 22nd & 23rd where we can celebrate, the great things God has done together in our new location at 3310 Croasdaile Drive, Suite 100, Durham, NC 27705. We covet your continued support through Restoration.


  • Life Recovery

  • Marriage Issues

  • Marriage Enrichment

  • Pre-Marital Counseling

  • Relationship Difficulties

  • Grief, Loss, or Bereavement

  • Divorce Recovery

  • Life Transitions

  • Difficulties with Self-Esteem

  • Professional/Career Issues

  • College/Graduate School Issues

  • Medical and Health Concerns

  • Stress Management

  • Abuse Issues

  • Spirituality

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